sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011


Flareon Flareon (ブースターBooster ) (Boosterブースター)
Artwork Obra General Geral
National Dex : Dex Nacional : #136 # 136
Evolves From: Evolui de: Eevee Eevee
Evolves Into: Evolui para: None Nenhum
Generation : Geração : Generation I Geração I
Pronunciation: Pronúncia: matemática
Icon(s): Icon (s): 136.png
Base Stats Base Stats Biological Details Detalhes Biológica
HP: HP: 65 65 Species : Espécie : Flame Pokémon Chama Pokémon
Attack: Ataque: 130 130 Type(s): Tipo (s): Fire Fogo
Defense: Defesa: 60 60 Height: Altura: 2'11 2'11
Special Atk: Ataque Especial: 95 95 Weight: Peso: 55.1 lbs £ 55,1
Special Def: Def especiais: 110 110 Abilities : Habilidades : Flash Fire Flash Fire
Speed: Velocidade: 65 65 Pokédex Color : Cor Pokédex : Red Vermelho
Stat Total: Total Stat: 525 525 Gender: Sexo: 12.5% ♀ / 87.5% ♂ ♀ 12,5% / 87,5% ♂

Cry: Cry:

Flareon (ブースターBooster ) is a Fire type Pokémon . Flareon (ブースターBooster) é um fogo de tipo Pokémon . It is one of the evolutions of Eevee that is caused by exposure to a Fire Stone . É uma das evoluções do Eevee que é causado pela exposição a uma pedra de fogo .


Flareon is red in color, with yellow on its tail, around its neck, and on its head. Flareon é de cor vermelha, com o amarelo em sua cauda, ​​em torno do seu pescoço e na cabeça. It has fox-like tail that appears to resemble flames. Ele tem rabo de raposa que parece assemelhar-se as chamas.

Special Abilities Habilidades Especiais Editar seção Habilidades Especiais Edit Editar

Flareon have the ability Flash Fire . Flareon tem a habilidade Flash Fire . Flash Fire allows Flareon's Attack to increase when it is hit by a Fire -type move. Flash Fire permite Attack Flareon a aumentar quando ele é atingido por um incêndio tipo de movimento. It has a flame sack in its body. Tem um saco de chama em seu corpo. Its body temperature can reach up to 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit before battle. Sua temperatura corporal pode chegar a até 1.650 graus centígrados antes da batalha.

Jolteon Jolteon (サンダースThunders ) (Thundersサンダース)
Artwork Obra General Geral
National Dex : Dex Nacional : #135 # 135
Evolves From: Evolui de: Eevee Eevee
Evolves Into: Evolui para: None Nenhum
Generation : Geração : Generation I Geração I
Pronunciation: Pronúncia: matemática
Icon(s): Icon (s): 135.png
Base Stats Base Stats Biological Details Detalhes Biológica
HP: HP: 65 65 Species : Espécie : Lighting Pokémon Iluminação Pokémon
Attack: Ataque: 65 65 Type(s): Tipo (s): Electric Electric
Defense: Defesa: 60 60 Height: Altura: 2'07" 2'07 "
Special Atk: Ataque Especial: 110 110 Weight: Peso: 54.0 lbs £ 54,0
Special Def: Def especiais: 95 95 Abilities : Habilidades : Volt Absorb Volt Absorb
Speed: Velocidade: 130 130 Pokédex Color : Cor Pokédex : Yellow Amarelo
Stat Total: Total Stat: 525 525 Gender: Sexo: 12.5% ♀ / 87.5% ♂ ♀ 12,5% / 87,5% ♂

Cry: Cry:
Jolteon (サンダースThunders ) is a Electric -type Pokémon and one of the evolutions of Eevee that is caused by radiation from a Thunder Stone . Jolteon (サンダースThunders) é um elétrico do tipo Pokémon e uma das evoluções do Eevee que é causada pela radiação de uma Thunder Stone . Jolteon is covered with spiky, bright yellow fur, with white spiky fur surrounding its neck. Jolteon é coberto com picos de pele amarela brilhante, com pêlos espetados em branco ao redor de seu pescoço. Its fur sparks with electricity constantly; it can be soft to the touch or turn into sharp needles that can be fired when it is angered. Sua pele faíscas de eletricidade constantemente, ele pode ser suave ao toque ou se transformar em agulhas afiadas que pode ser acionado quando está irritado. Also, though Jolteon can look fierce, and tough, it is really very sweet and affectionate towards its Trainer. Além disso, embora Jolteon pode olhar feroz e dura, é realmente muito doce e afetuoso com seu treinador.

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Appearance Aparência Editar seção Aparência Edit Editar

Jolteon is fox-like in appearance like many other of Eevee 's evolutionary forms, and covered in yellow fur with the exception of the white "collar" around it's neck, which stands on end, as if just being shocked. Jolteon é raposa-como na aparência, como muitos outros Eevee 's formas evolutivas, e coberto de pêlo amarelo, com excepção do branco "colar" ao redor do pescoço, que fica no final, como se apenas a ser chocado. It's eyes are purple, and Jolteon has no visible tail. É olhos estão roxos, e Jolteon não tem cauda visível. It's fur has an electrical appearance and shows off it's courage and boldness. É pele tem uma aparência elétrica e mostra que é coragem e ousadia.

Special Abilities Habilidades Especiais Editar seção Habilidades Especiais Edit Editar

Jolteon have the ability Volt Absorb . Jolteon tem a habilidade Volt Absorb . This allows Jolteon to absorb any Electric -type move and heal itself. Isso permite que Jolteon para absorver qualquer Electric tipo de movimento e curar-se. Jolteon is able to gather negative ions from the atmosphere, using the resulting electricity to create lightning bolts of up to 10,000 volts. Jolteon é capaz de reunir os íons negativos da atmosfera, utilizando a energia elétrica, resultante de criar raios de até 10.000 volts. Its individual cells also create small electrical charges on their own, which combined with the static electricity caused by its body can result in powerful electric-type attacks. Suas células individuais também criar pequenas cargas elétricas por conta própria, o que combinado com a eletricidade estática causada pelo seu corpo pode resultar em poderosos ataques do tipo elétrico. It's very sensitive which causes it to constantly charge as it quickly changes moods. É muito sensível, que faz com que ele constantemente carga como ele rapidamente muda humores. It can also make lightning and cause small thunderstorms. Ele pode também fazer um raio e causar tempestades de pequeno porte. When threatened, it can fire spikes from its body. Quando ameaçado, ele pode disparar espinhos de seu corpo.

Vaporeon Vaporeon (シャワーズShowers ) (Chuvaシャワーズ)
Artwork Obra General Geral
National Dex : Dex Nacional : #134 # 134
Evolves From: Evolui de: Eevee Eevee
Evolves Into: Evolui para: None Nenhum
Generation : Geração : Generation I Geração I
Pronunciation: Pronúncia: matemática
Icon(s): Icon (s): 134.png
Base Stats Base Stats Biological Details Detalhes Biológica
HP: HP: 130 130 Species : Espécie : Bubble Jet Pokémon Pokémon Bubble Jet
Attack: Ataque: 65 65 Type(s): Tipo (s): Water Água
Defense: Defesa: 60 60 Height: Altura: 3'03" 3'03 "
Special Atk: Ataque Especial: 110 110 Weight: Peso: 63.9 lbs £ 63,9
Special Def: Def especiais: 95 95 Abilities : Habilidades : Water Absorb Water Absorb
Speed: Velocidade: 65 65 Pokédex Color : Cor Pokédex : blue azul
Stat Total: Total Stat: 525 525 Gender: Sexo: 12.5% ♀ / 87.5% ♂ ♀ 12,5% / 87,5% ♂

Cry: Cry:
Vaporeon (シャワーズShowers ) is a Water -type Pokémon and one of the seven Pokémon that evolve from Eevee . Vaporeon (シャワーズChuva) é uma água -tipo Pokémon e um dos sete Pokémon que evoluem de Eevee . It Evolves from Eevee by use of the Water Stone . Ela evolui de Eevee pelo uso da Water Stone .

Vaporeon is the result of an Eevee's exposure to the radiation of a Water Stone . Vaporeon é o resultado de um Eevee de exposição à radiação de uma Water Stone . Vaporeon is a composite creature sharing physical traits of dogs, cats, and fish. Vaporeon é uma criatura composta partilha traços físicos de cães, gatos e peixes. Vaporeon's body is light-blue and has a white collar. Vaporeon corpo é azul-claro e tem um colarinho branco. Vaporeon has yellow ears made of webbing and has a fin on its head resembling its ears. Vaporeon tem ouvidos amarela feita de tecido e tem uma barbatana na cabeça semelhante a seus ouvidos. Vaporeon has blue ridges that run down the length of its spine and on to its tail-fin. Vaporeon tem cumes azuis que correm o comprimento de sua coluna vertebral e sobre a sua nadadeira caudal. Vaporeon's molecular structure is close to water, and its body glitters when sunlight hits at certain angles because of it. estrutura molecular Vaporeon, está perto de água, e seu corpo brilha quando bate luz em certos ângulos por causa disso.

Special Abilities Habilidades Especiais Editar seção Habilidades Especiais Edit Editar

Vaporeon have the ability Water Absorb . Vaporeon tem a habilidade Water Absorb . This allows Vaporeon to absorb any Water -type moves and heal themselves. Isso permite que Vaporeon para absorver qualquer água move-se tipo e se curar. Vaporeon are highly adapted to aquatic life. Vaporeon são altamente adaptados à vida aquática. Unlike its pre-evolution, it has the ability to breathe underwater. Ao contrário de sua pré-evolução, tem a capacidade de respirar debaixo d'água. Vaporeon had the power to melt into water and disappear. Vaporeon tinha o poder de derreter na água e desaparecer. They can also manipulate water molecules.In Black and White Vaporeon will have the Hydration ability if caught in the Dream World. Eles podem também manipular a água molecules.In preto e branco Vaporeon terá a capacidade de hidratação se for pego na Dream World.

In the Anime No Anime Editar na seção Anime Edit Editar

Vaporeon first appeared in The Battling Eevee Brothers , under the ownership of Rainer . Vaporeon apareceu pela primeira vez em O Eevee Battling Brothers , sob a posse de Rainer .
Ash battled against a Vaporeon in the Pokémon League Entrance Exam. Ash batalhou contra um Vaporeon na Liga Pokémon Entrance Exam.
A Vaporeon was one of the Pokémon that was captured and cloned by Mewtwo in Mewtwo Strikes Back . Um Vaporeon foi um dos Pokémon que foi capturado e clonados por Mewtwo em Mewtwo Contra-Ataca .
Vaporeon was also seen under the ownership of Sumomo , one of the Kimono Sisters, in Trouble's Brewing and Espeon Not Included . Vaporeon foi visto também sob a posse de SUMOMO , uma das irmãs de quimono, na Cervejaria do Trouble e Espeon não incluído .
An old woman named Galea owned a Vaporeon in On Olden Pond . Uma mulher chamada Galea possuía um Vaporeon em On Olden Pond .
Vaporeon made a small cameo in the beginning of Giratina and the Sky Warrior together with an Eevee and the other six Eeveelutions. Vaporeon fez uma pequena aparição no início do Giratina eo Guerreiro do Céu juntamente com um Eevee e os outros seis Eeveelutions.

Leafeon (リーフィア Leafia)
Artwork General
National Dex: #470
Evolves From: Eevee
Evolves Into: None
Generation: Generation IV
Pronunciation: math
Icon(s): 470.png
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 65 Species: Verdant Pokémon
Attack: 110 Type(s): Grass
Defense: 130 Height: 3'03"
Special Atk: 60 Weight: 56.2 lbs.
Special Def: 65 Abilities: Leaf Guard
Speed: 95 Pokédex Color: Green
Stat Total: 525 Gender: 12.5% ♀/ 87.5% ♂
Leafeon (リーフィア Leafia) is a Grass-type Pokémon, and is one of the seven evolutionary forms of Eevee.
Eevee evolve into Leafeon at any given level, when leveled up in Eterna Forest near the moss covered rock.



Appearance Edit Appearance sectionEdit

The body of a Leafeon is slender and limber. Its tail and ears are styled to resemble torn and tattered leaves. Besides the leaf-like ears and tails, there are a multitude of smaller leaves growing from their bodies; leaves grow out from the knee joint areas on the forelegs and hind legs, its chest and its back. A larger, curled leaf grows from the middle of its forehead and is the same soft-green color of all the other leaves. It has the body that incorporates that of a dog, cat, fox, and some plants.

Special Abilities Edit Special Abilities sectionEdit

According to the Pokédex, Leafeon employs photosynthesis on top of its animal capabilities, as a result, it is always surrounded by fresh air.

Behavior Edit Behavior sectionEdit

Most of its behavior is unknown. The only trainer who took it on was Zoey, appearing only in a Japanese episode of the anime called Pokémon Diamond & Pearl. It is soon to air on American screens. In the Pokemon Platinum Pokédex, it says it does not fight. Aside from this, there is no confirmation as to the behavior of this Pokémon.

In the animeEdit In the anime sectionEdit

Leafeon has appeared under the ownership of Zoey. It appeared alongside Zoey's Mismagius
Zoey's Leafeon
Angel MAdded by Angel M
in a tag battle with Dawn's Cyndaquil and Mamoswine. Not much is known about this pokémon.

Glaceon (グレイシア Glacia)
Artwork General
National Dex: #471
Evolves From: Eevee
Evolves Into: None
Generation: Generation IV
Pronunciation: math
Icon(s): 471.png
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 65 Species: Fresh Snow Pokémon
Attack: 60 Type(s): Ice
Defense: 110 Height: 2'07"
Special Atk: 130 Weight: 57.1 lbs.
Special Def: 95 Abilities: Snow Cloak
Speed: 65 Pokédex Color: Blue
Stat Total: 525 Gender: 12.5% ♀/ 87.5% ♂
Glaceon (グレイシア Glacia) is an Ice-type Pokémon and one of the seven evolutionary forms of Eevee. Eevee evolves into Glaceon when leveled up on Route 217 in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. In Pokémon Black and White, this evolution happens when Eevee levels up near the ice-covered rock in Twist Mountain.



Appearance Edit Appearance sectionEdit

Glaceon bears a resemblance to several types of animals, much like its pre-evolved form, including a dog, cat and fox. Its fur is a light-blue color, with diamond-shaped patterns on its back and tail in a darker shade of blue. Glaceon also has diamond-like shapes on its forehead.

Special Abilities Edit Special Abilities sectionEdit

Glaceon has the ability Snow Cloak, which will raise its evasion in hailing weather. It can freeze its fur into protective needles when endangered.
According to the Pokédex, Glaceon can control its body heat and freeze th

Espeon (エーフィ Eefee)
Artwork General
National Dex: #196
Evolves From: Eevee
Evolves Into: None
Generation: Generation II
Pronunciation: math
Icon(s): 196.png
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 65 Species: Sun Pokémon
Attack: 65 Type(s): Psychic
Defense: 60 Height: 2'11"
Special Atk: 130 Weight: 58.4 lbs.
Special Def: 95 Abilities: Synchronize
Speed: 110 Pokédex Color: Purple
Stat Total: 525 Gender: 12.5% ♀/ 87.5% ♂
Espeon (エーフィ Eefee) is a Psychic-type Pokémon and is one of the seven evolved forms of Eevee. Eevee evolves into Espeon with Happiness during the day-time. In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, Eevee can also evolve into Espeon by friendship in daytime.



Appearance Edit Appearance sectionEdit

Espeon are a feline-like Pokémon with light purple colored fur. A red jewel rests on its head, and glows whenever Espeon uses its psychic abilities, Espeon are also able to use the fine hairs that cover its body to predict the future as well as its opponent's next move.

Special Abilities Edit Special Abilities sectionEdit

Espeon use the fine hairs on their pelts to sense air currents and predict their opponent's next move as well as the weather.
Espeon have very high Special Attack and Speed stats. However, all of the other stats are near average. Overall, Espeon is a good choice for some trainers.
Umbreon (ブラッキー Blacky)
Artwork General
National Dex: #197
Evolves From: Eevee
Evolves Into: None
Generation: Generation II
Pronunciation: math
Icon(s): 197.png
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 95 Species: Moonlight Pokémon
Attack: 65 Type(s): Dark
Defense: 110 Height: 3'03"
Special Atk: 60 Weight: 59.5 lbs.
Special Def: 130 Abilities: Synchronize
Speed: 65 Pokédex Color: Black
Stat Total: 525 Gender: 12.5% ♀/ 87.5% ♂
Umbreon (ブラッキー Blacky) is a Dark-Type Pokémon introduced in Generation II. It evolves from Eevee if it has a high friendship level, and then leveled-up at night.



AppearanceEdit Appearance sectionEdit

Eevee's much smaller body had been transformed under the influence of the moon's aura. For it to evolve, an Eevee must have full trust and friendship with its trainer during the night. (In the games it is the same but Eevee must be leveled up during the night) Umbreon has bright yellow rings around both ears and tail, as well as on the upper parts, its front and back legs, and one in the center of its forehead. The rings glow when under the influence of moonlight.
Its physical characteristics seem to be both feline and foxlike, with a lithe thin body, cat-like eyes, a short muzzle, and a thick bushy tail. Its origins could be of black cats or foxes that are known to be nocturnal; its rings also give it an Egyptian like feel, perhaps with roots from Bastet (WereCat) or Anubis.

Special AbilitiesEdit Special Abilities sectionEdit

Umbreon can spray a cloud of toxic gas from its sweat glands when agitated. Also, since it's a fully evolved Pokémon, Umbreon can learn the moves Hyper Beam and Giga Impact and even though Umbreon is a Dark-type it is able to learn Psychic. Although Umbreon looks small, it has a strong endurance. Its base stats make it a good choice for defensive trainers.

BehaviorEdit Behavior sectionEdit

Umbreon stalks silently during the night hunting for prey under the cover of darkness. When it senses an enemy's presence, it waits for its enemy to come into range. When it attacks, its rings give off a bright golden light.

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